We are almost halfway done with winter! Only a few more weeks left, and hopefully we won’t have anymore crazy cold bursts like we did at the beginning of 2018. Even though the temperatures have gone up a bit, winter is still in full swing and we still need to protect ourselves from the cold weather and keep doing what’s necessary to stay healthy in winter.
Read More›Jasmine, Jasminum officinale or Jasminum sambac, is a flower famous and well-loved for its wonderful fragrance and is often enjoyed when it is paired with Green Tea, or sometimes Black tea or Oolong tea, from the Camellia sinensis plant. It is part of many traditional Asian and Middle Eastern tea cultures, including China, Japan, Vietnam, and Iran, but has made its way into Western tea culture of the modern day and to our some of our uplifting tea blends at Arogya.
Read More›As the summer sun continues to shine and the summer squash in our gardens becomes overly abundant, we find ourselves in a special time of the year. In the Chinese system, late summer, sometimes called Indian summer, is a brief but important time. Each one of the seasons is associated with an element and the late summer season is associated with the Earth Element. Late summer is a time to celebrate the beginning of the harvest and the richness of the earth’s bounties as we prepare for autumn. As this is a transition period, it is very important to stay centered in one’s self and grounded in the earth.
Read More›This year’s summer Olympics brought cupping, the traditional healing modality often used in Chinese medicine, into the limelight. Gold-medalist swimmer Michael Phelps, among other Olympians, sported the telltale circular red marks that cupping leaves on the skin. In response, dozens of articles in all the major news sources featured articles about cupping, which has helped raise public interest in this powerful and ancient healing technique.
Read More›Chinese New Year is just around the corner, and starting on the new moon of February 8th, the Year of the Fire Monkey begins! The combination of fire and monkey energy is particularly exciting because together they will bring a year of opportunity and action! The Monkey is all about movement, creativity, go-getting, flexibility, sociability and taking risks. It’s a year to just go for what you really want – no more procrastinating!
Read More›Simply put, we are energetic beings living in a world that is full of energy. In fact this experience that we call life is nothing but a play of energy and vibration. This energy is experienced, felt, seen, and heard in myriad ways – whether in the form of humans, trees, animals, rocks, houses, weather systems, or wireless networks. The universe is nothing but a play of energy in multiple forms and layers of vibratory expression. The human being is an energetic microcosm within this macrocosmic universe, and its life-force is largely dependent on the healthy flow of vital energy. The ancient Chinese termed this vital energy “Qi” (also read as “Chi”), and its flow throughout the body dictates the strength and vitality of a human being.
Read More›When our body experiences a stressful moment, the adrenal glands become stimulated amidst a cascade of sympathetic neural activity as the breath quickens and shortens. Known to some as the “Fight or Flight Response”, the belly begins to tighten, hampering the digestive process, and the muscles are poised to contract. This is a common everyday experience, written into the DNA code of every physical being; and yet when one has an ongoing level of stress in one’s life, the effects can be disastrous for the body, mind, and spirit.
Read More›To most fully share our light and love with the world, nourishing our own body, mind, and soul is essential. Today, think about the self-care routines that support your sense of wellbeing. Take some time to reflect upon the following:
Read More›Learn more about Arogya Holistic Healing, Yoga, and Fine Teas as well as wellness services including acupuncture and massage available at our location in downtown Westport, Connecticut. Visit our website for more information about Arogya Holistic Healing or call us at 203-226-2682.
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