Lemon Garlic Dressing

Inspired by a delicious dressing at one of my favorite lunch spots in Westport, CT, I set out to make my own version of lemon garlic dressing. I love this dressing because it transforms a simple meal into something with bold character. I make a mason jar full of it and keep it in the fridge so I can easily add it to whatever I’m cooking, be it salads, sandwiches, grilled or roasted vegetables, tofu or roasted chicken. This recipe is simple and easy to make.

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Miso Dressing Recipe

How to make Delicious Miso Dressing

A few years ago, a friend inspired me to try my hand at making miso dressing. Not only did I discover a delicious and healthy way to dress up my veggies, but I also fell in love with this Japanese fermented soybean paste. Miso has since become a staple in my kitchen. In addition to using it in this refreshing dressing, miso’s a healing addition to marinades and soups. If I’m at a loss of what to make for dinner, a warming bowl of miso soup with tofu, greens, and seaweed always hits the spot (recipe to come!).

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