Teaware 101: Caring & Cleaning Cast Iron Teapots

Our Teaware 101 series has already covered a wide variety of vintage and modern teaware, and which teas are ideal according to which type of pot. Now let’s get into cleaning and maintaining your cast iron teapot. The decision to purchase a cast iron is usually based on their reputation of being durable and long-lasting. As we know, deciding to purchase a cast iron teapot is a personal and pricey process, why wouldn’t we expect them to last forever. So how do you clean and maintain a cast iron teapot once you have one?

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Natural Migraine Remedies

Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households include someone who experiences migraines, resulting in a shocking 12% of the population prone to headaches. There are countless causes of migraines and the side effects can be crippling. Many people don’t feel comfortable or satisfied with over the counter medication. Ease tension and headaches with these natural migraine remedies available at Arogya that can be used day or night.

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Stay Healthy in Winter: Seasonal Tips for Well-being

We are almost halfway done with winter!  Only a few more weeks left, and hopefully we won’t have anymore crazy cold bursts like we did at the beginning of 2018.  Even though the temperatures have gone up a bit, winter is still in full swing and we still need to protect ourselves from the cold weather and keep doing what’s necessary to stay healthy in winter.

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Stay Healthy in Autumn: Seasonal Tips for Well-being

The leaves on the trees are turning brilliant shades of yellows, reds, oranges, and yellows, and we welcome the day with a crisp, cool scent, we find ourselves in autumn.  Autumn, especially in New England where we are located, is a beautiful time of the year and a very important season in the Chinese Medicine system.

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