Natural Deer Tick Repellent
After seeing so many Arogya patients dealing with Lyme disease over the past 18 years, I admit I get stressed when I visit the woods, even though it should be a calming and relaxing experience. It’s terrifying how real the threat of tick exposure is- just last year, we pulled them off our daughter Rose’s skin 3 times. As a result, ticks have become evil in my mind and I’m always researching ways to repel them.
This led me to create a very simple, chemical-free repellent using apple cider vinegar, almond oil, rose geranium, and distilled water.
Deer Tick Repellent with All-Natural Ingredients
Research has shown that ticks are repelled by the smell and acidic taste of apple cider vinegar. The same is true of the rose geranium, which has a sweet yet pungent odor (you’ll probably find it quite pleasant!). Almond oil contains sulfur, which is a natural repellent. Its scent is also a deterrent. Distilled water is best to use in place of tap water as it contains far fewer impurities and microorganisms.
Here’s how to make this deer tick repellent:
- 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 cup Distilled Water
- 1 tablespoon Almond Oil
- 30 drops Rose Geranium Oil or Bugs Away Essential Oil Blend
- In a large jar, mix the water and vinegar. Add the almond oil and rose geranium oil. Cover the jar and shake well.
- Pour into a spray bottle and apply before going outdoors. Make sure to apply some to your ankles, arms, and neck/behind the ears. You can even spray some into your hair. Reapply every few hours as needed.
- Don’t miss your daily tick-check once you come home!
Important Note: While this natural solution repels ticks it is by no means a substitution for daily tick checks in areas where there’s a high occurrence of Lyme disease. Important areas not to overlook when checking for ticks are ankles, behind the knees, thighs, groin area, upper arms/armpit area, neck, and behind the ears. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.
Additional precautions to take to safeguard against tick bites are:
- If you have pets that venture outside, check them for ticks when they come into the house.
- If you’re spending a lot of time in the woods, make an effort to wear light-colored clothing. This makes ticks easy to see. Long sleeves and pants tucked into higher socks can provide additional protection. Also, tie back long loose hair or tuck it under a hat.
For more information on DIY repellents using other essential oils, check out this Arogya blog.
by Wei Bertram