Late Summer: The Fifth Season in Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) recognizes Late Summer as an independent season with its own unique energy. This fifth season begins around the third week of August and runs through the Fall Equinox. Late Summer bridges the gap between the expansive growth and activity of spring/summer (Yang energy) and the more inward and still energies of fall/winter (Yin energy).

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Chinese Medicine Wisdom for Summer Wellness

Chinese Medicine teaches us that optimum health comes with being in total harmony with the cycles of nature, so with each new season, it’s important to adapt your lifestyle in order to deeply align with the healing energies each season has to offer.

Summer wellness is important because according to Chinese medicine, this is the time we restore the reserves that keep us healthy and strong all through the winter months. If you suffer from frequent colds and winter blues, now is the time to invest in your health, and it may be easier than you think.

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