Holistic Solutions for Sleep

In the early 1900s, the average American slept 9 hours a night.  Fast forward a hundred years to today and we are finding the average American sleeps between 6-7 hours on a weeknight and 8 hours on the weekends.  In that short time, we haven’t evolved to need less sleep, so what is happening with those vital 2 to 3 hours of rest, relaxation, and restoration?  And where have these hours gone?  We have replaced a good night’s rest with a combination of coffee and other stimulants, late nights glued to computer and televisions screens, and other unhealthy sleeping habits that can result in insomnia.

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Restful Medicine! Legs-Up-The-Wall

There are few yoga postures that restore and reinvigorate my whole body and being like Legs-up-the-wall, or what’s called supported viparita karani in Sanskrit.  This simple pose, which can be done at anytime, helps relieve and prevent tired legs, lower back pain, menstrual cramps, anxiety, digestive disorders, varicose veins, sciatica, and arthritis.  

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