Art of Tisane

Having grown up in China, I was exposed to a wide array of medicinal and culinary herbs on a regular daily basis. As I think back to my childhood, I am flooded with memories of “Ba Bao Cha”, reverently known as the “eight treasure tea”, my mom made for me each morning. This delightful and uplifting concoction is a blend of eight common ingredients found within Chinese cuisine and herbal medicine: Chrysanthemum, Goji Berry, Honeysuckle, Licorice, Red Date, Hawthorn Berry, Dried Tangerine Rind, and Brown Sugar.

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Buckwheat Tea at Arogya

The story of Dark Buckwheat Tea is one of intrigue and romance, as it originates from the unpolluted high mountains of southwestern China, home to the fascinating Yi people, whose hearty livelihood is steeped in simplicity and pristine health. The Yi‘s long relationship with the many varietals of Buckwheat has spanned for thousands of years, as they have incorporated the buckwheat plant into their daily life of farming, eating, trading…and drinking its impressively savory brew, which recently has been proven to be a nutritional powerhouse.

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