Tea plays an important role in everyday healing and wellness. That’s why we created a new line of Tea Cleanses to help you achieve your wellness goals, through the power of tea. These 4-week cleanses target a few areas: weight loss, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, stress, sugar detoxing, and reducing caffeine consumption.
Read More›I’ll never forget the first time I encountered the unique, sweet pine-smoked aroma of lapsang souchong tea. I had recently begun my work with Arogya. I walked in on a cold winter day and contently went to pour myself a cup of tea. I noticed a beautiful, warm, and smoky scent drifting up from one of the teapots. As I soon learned, this was lapsang souchong, a traditional black tea from the Wuyi mountain region of Fujian Province. Lapsang souchong is most likely the world’s oldest black tea.
Read More›Last week, we wrote a bit about our artisan Liji Pu’er Tea Collection. Today, we’re excited to share more about how sipping pu’er tea can benefit your health and wellbeing.
Read More›Are you looking to broaden your horizons when it comes to tea in the New Year? If so, read on!
Today, we’re excited to share about our artisan Pu’er Tea Collection, which is handcrafted by the tea masters of the Liji Gu Zhuang tradition in Jinggu, a small town in Yunnan Province of China.
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