Craniosacral Therapy, Stress, and the Nervous System

Do you have an injury that is taking an unusually long time to heal? Or maybe you are pushing through headaches, belly aches, hormonal issues, or muscle pain on a daily basis?

In our modern and busy lives, many of us are operating on overdrive. Multitasking, overstimulation from technology, and constant everyday stress leave us “on” at all times. It is now widely recognized that this imbalance can lead to low energy and chronic health issues. The American Medical Association stated in 2016 that: “It has been verified through scientific exploration that more than 80 percent of all diseases are due to stress and strain that originate in the mind and reflect on the body.”

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Happiness from the Root Source: Your Gut

Did you know that around 6 pounds of your body is made up of bacteria in your gut? Did you also know that of the total number of cells in your body, about half are your cells, and the other half are bacteria cells? You may be wondering, why so much bacteria and what is it all doing inside of me? Over the past few years, scientists have been uncovering the answers to these questions. One of their biggest findings is that your gut biome or community of bacteria, plays a crucial role in your state of happiness.

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Holistic Solutions for Sleep

In the early 1900s, the average American slept 9 hours a night.  Fast forward a hundred years to today and we are finding the average American sleeps between 6-7 hours on a weeknight and 8 hours on the weekends.  In that short time, we haven’t evolved to need less sleep, so what is happening with those vital 2 to 3 hours of rest, relaxation, and restoration?  And where have these hours gone?  We have replaced a good night’s rest with a combination of coffee and other stimulants, late nights glued to computer and televisions screens, and other unhealthy sleeping habits that can result in insomnia.

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Jasmine: A Tea for Love

Jasmine, Jasminum officinale or Jasminum sambac, is a flower famous and well-loved for its wonderful fragrance and is often enjoyed when it is paired with Green Tea, or sometimes Black tea or Oolong tea, from the Camellia sinensis plant.  It is part of many traditional Asian and Middle Eastern tea cultures, including China, Japan, Vietnam, and Iran, but has made its way into Western tea culture of the modern day and to our some of our uplifting tea blends at Arogya.

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Herbal Tea for Women's Hormones

A Holistic Approach to Women’s Hormonal Balance, and our New Herbal Teas to Help

We are very proud to introduce a new line of medicinal herbal teas for women’s hormonal balance. The first two teas in this line are Hormonal Balance Blend– a general tonic for the female hormonal system, and Female Vitality Blend– formulated to promote energy, vitality, and libido. In collaboration with Arogya’s longtime mentor and master healer, Dr. Wang, Wei has created these blends using a synergy of Western and Chinese healing herbs. Let’s take a deeper look at the nature of hormone imbalance and how to address it.

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Creating a Holistic Medicine Cabinet

Having a well-stocked holistic medicine cabinet is essential for a healthy and natural lifestyle. With a variety of products on hand you can naturally treat so many issues in the comfort of your home, with safe, effective and non-toxic ingredients.

Here are our recommendations for holistic products you can use for common ailments and issues. Where can you find these products? If they are available on our website, there is a link provided. All the Chinese formulas are available at our retail store in Westport, CT (or can be ordered by phone). For the rest of the products, they can be found at most health food stores.

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Goddess of Tiny Blossoms

My deep appreciation for tea began when I was a child growing up in China. There tea has been an integral part of everyday life for centuries. My parents would drink tea throughout the day, taking pause to savor each cup. My father’s favorite tea has always been classic dragon well green tea, while my mother prefers jasmine green. Jasmine also holds a special place in my heart. I love its aroma and the story of how the flower’s blossoms are infused with green or white tea leaves many times to receive the most potent flavor yet without any other additives.

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Clearing Space for Chinese New Year

5 Ways to Make your Home a Wellness Sanctuary

Our living space has a tremendous effect upon our mental and physical health and well-being. When people walk into our storefront in Westport, CT, very often they immediately take a big breath in and say, “Wow! it smells so nice in here.” Or as they walk around the store browsing our teas and wellness products they mention how calming the space is. And when clients come out of an acupuncture or massage session, they often linger in our store front to soak up the good vibes and peacefully drink a cup of tea before moving on with their day. Everyday I see people coming in to our store and immediately being uplifted, soothed and reminded to breathe deeply upon entering our peaceful environment. What makes a space healing for your mind and body? And how can you bring these elements into your own life so that you too can make your home a wellness sanctuary?

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Restful Medicine! Legs-Up-The-Wall

There are few yoga postures that restore and reinvigorate my whole body and being like Legs-up-the-wall, or what’s called supported viparita karani in Sanskrit.  This simple pose, which can be done at anytime, helps relieve and prevent tired legs, lower back pain, menstrual cramps, anxiety, digestive disorders, varicose veins, sciatica, and arthritis.  

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